Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dear Minnesotan Merging,

Dear Minnesotan Merging,

Why are you so angry today?

Here is an opportunity for one of the simplest forms of cooperation - - an opportunity for members of a community to share our roadway. But you seem determined to make our driving relationship contentious. Are you pretending not to see me as you stare intently ahead? Did you not notice my blinker or my polite wave?

When I speed up, you do as well, when I slow down, you follow suit. Are you intentionally hiding in my blind spot? It feels like a horrible mind-game. Why won't you just let me in?

Oh, I think I understand. Did you just have a bad day? Maybe you received a snarky email from a coworker that has put you in a foul mood or your boss broke a promise for your raise. Maybe if it were a different day, you'd let me in.

Or maybe, you feel as though I have some how budded in merging line and you are here to do justice for all drivers before you. Perhaps you feel as though I utilized the lane a little too long and didn't merge 1.5 miles earlier, in violation of an unspoken Minnesota merging rule.

Whatever your motivation, please, please just let me in. I promise I will merge sooner next time.



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